Egyptian Scarab Orange Aventurine and Blue Howlite Copper Quadruple Strand Bracelet & Earrings Set


Quadruple strand of semi-precious aventurine chips, and teal stone rounds, tiger’s eye glass tubes, copper glass seed beads and ornate copper tone spacer beads. Center bead is a ceramic bead shaped like an Egyptian scarab. Clasp is a copper tone toggle. All metals are nickel and lead free.

1 in stock


Quadruple strand of semi-precious aventurine chips, and teal stone rounds, tiger’s eye glass tubes, copper glass seed beads and ornate copper tone spacer beads. Center bead is a ceramic bead shaped like an Egyptian scarab. Clasp is a copper tone toggle. All metals are nickel and lead free.

The Scarab is an ancient symbol that was used in ancient Egypt as a symbol of the god Khepri, the god of the rising sun, creation and rebirth. Scarab beetles were considered sacred in ancient Egypt and were often used in jewelry and amulets as a symbol of regeneration and good luck.

The scarab beetle was often carved from different materials such as stone, faience, wood, and precious metals. These amulets were worn as a symbol of protection and good luck, and were also placed in tombs to ensure the deceased a safe journey to the afterlife.

In ancient Egyptian art, scarabs were often depicted as pushing the sun across the sky, representing the god Khepri’s daily journey from the underworld to the sky. The scarab was also often used as a seal and was used to roll mud into balls to make bricks for the construction of pyramids and other buildings.

Nowadays, scarab beetles are often used in jewelry making as a symbol of ancient Egypt. They can be found in many different materials such as gold, silver and other metals, and even in glass or resin. They can be used as a pendant, a charm, or even in a ring. Scarab beetles are a perfect addition to any collection of ancient Egyptian-inspired jewelry.